3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Relieve Anxiety

Do you ever find yourself frozen by anxiety? If so, I want to share three things you can do right now to reduce anxiety in a matter of seconds without expensive therapies, equipment, or drugs.

Working on your mental health can be difficult; sometimes just trying to overcome anxiety can give you anxiety. That’s why it can help to start small and remember you don’t have to fix everything in one step. Once you commit to taking your time, it’s easier to relax and take the edge off.

It’s worth the effort of learning these exercises and giving them a try because they can make a real difference in your day-to-day life. Over time, small and simple skills can grow into powerful habits that can change the course of your life for the better. I’ve even seen them cure problems that looked permanent.

Keep reading to learn how to get rid of anxiety and restore a sense of peace and calm.

What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Everyone experiences social anxiety in one form or another. Maybe you feel a tightness in your chest or you build up tension in your neck when you have to be around other people. In more severe cases, you may start breathing faster or experience racing thoughts. When these symptoms get severe enough to get in your way on a regular basis, then you may have a social anxiety disorder.

What is an Anxiety Disorder? – Psych Hub

At some point, most people will suffer from one or more anxiety disorders during their lives. Some may experience only mild symptoms they can manage on their own. Those who have stronger cases may benefit from professional help. In my experience, everyone can benefit from visiting a therapist from time to time. Just because you can do it by yourself, doesn’t mean you have to. Life is easier when you have someone to talk to who understands, and problems are easier to solve when you have help. I like to check in with my therapist every few months, just to make sure I’m on the right track. I usually have some questions for them anyway, and I feel more confident after my visits. Maybe you can, too.

Coping With Anxiety

When you’re experiencing anxiety, you may not always need to turn to medication, your therapist, or expensive treatments. There are three easy things you can do right now that may do the trick.

My first tip is to try making a noise. For example, create some vibrations in your body. This helps you get out of your head and reconnect with your body. Sometimes, something this simple will do the trick and get you back on track.

My second exercise is even easier: Listen to noise. I like listening to Binaural beats because I can feel my anxiety drain away when I do. Mental health professionals are starting to recommend them for stress and anxiety, and new studies are coming out about their benefits every day. If you’re not sure how it works, think of your two ears. Each ear hears every sound in a slightly different way, and this may help you reorient yourself in your body. Research is still ongoing, but I personally think it’s going to confirm the many benefits of binaural beats because I can tell you that it works for me. Maybe it can work for you, too.

Woman relaxing and listening to music to relieve anxiety
Listening to Binaural beats can help relieve your anxiety. Image Source: Shutterstock)

The last tip I have to share with you is the most fun. Just shake your body. You may have heard the phrase “shake it off,” and I suggest you take it literally and give your body a good shake. Use your hands, arms, legs, feet, whatever. Just be safe and don’t run into anything or fall over.

When I’m feeling anxious, I try one of these tricks. If it doesn’t work, I do all three at the same time. When I turn up some binaural beats, shout, and shake my body, I can feel the bad emotions draining away. It gets your blood pumping and floods your body with positive energy. If these three tips don’t do the trick, there are other methods you can turn to as well.

Take Control of Anxiety With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

If you are experiencing anxiety disorder symptoms that interfere with your life, you should consult with a mental health professional. One tool they may suggest is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT.

CBT works by helping you talk yourself through the fears, anxieties, and concerns that come up during your daily life. Nothing can replace a visit with your therapist, but in many cases, CBT can offer fast relief. It can even train you to be a stronger and happier person who can think more clearly and be more effective.

When anxiety symptoms attack, you can respond with quick and effective tools. The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to clean up your symptoms and make them go away. Once you feel calm and tranquil, you can examine the source of your anxiety and decide if it needs additional attention. Sometimes, you can just shake it off and get on with your day. You can always find an effective treatment for anxiety disorders, no matter how big or small.

Deep belly breathing is another tactic that is healthy and will have a positive effect on your mood. Take a moment right now and practice some belly breathing. Pay attention to how you feel before your start and after you finish. Did you feel your mood improve? What changes did you experience? You can learn how to cope with anxiety by incorporating these exercises into your daily practice.

3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Reduce Anxiety

Does exercise reduce anxiety? This is an important question, and the answer is an emphatic yes. When you’re feeling anxious about something in your life, exercise may sound like you’re avoiding the issue. In reality, getting control of your anxiety before making important decisions may be the best way to approach big problems.

woman standing in a fitness studio carrying a yoga mat.
If you’re feeling anxious, exercise is good. (Image Source: Shutterstock)

When CBT and DIY approaches don’t work, you may want to seek out someone who can prescribe anxiety medication. Your doctor can prescribe some forms of medication for mild anxiety issues, but seeing a psychiatrist is recommended for moderate and severe conditions. Most medications work best when combined with other forms of therapy, so if you do need medication, be sure to schedule regular therapy sessions.

Remember, a mental health provider like a clinical therapist can help you decide if medication is right for you, and then they can refer you to the appropriate kind of physician if needed.

You can live your best life by making small changes. I recommend you try one of my tips and exercises right now and see what it can do for you. Commit to practicing these exercises for a month. See what happens. Once they become a habit, you may ask yourself how you survived without them. They have radically changed my life, and I hope they do the same for you.