Every Runner’s Durable Manual for This Summer

The days are getting longer, and the weather is heating up, which means only one thing: Summer is coming. With brighter days, you can spend even more time outside being active. One of the main ways people stay active in summer is to get on the trails and start running. Trail running promises a healthy dose of vitamin D, a sweaty session, and the chance to rack up some miles. Whether you’re an avid runner or don’t know the first thing about summer running, this runner’s durable manual has everything you need to know.

The Ultimate Runner’s Durable Manual

Running is a demanding activity that can result in injury. However, most runners get injuries because of the way they train or the lack of support from things that enhance their running. By increasing your durability, which is a combination of endurance, strength, and flexibility, you can boost your whole running experience. A more durable body and routine will strengthen your running and allow you to gain the most benefit. It’s important to consider the following five tips before you hit the trails this summer.

Full length of young couple in sport clothing running with runner's durable manual in mind.
A More Durable Body And Routine Will Strengthen Your Running (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Slowly Add Volume to Your Running Regime

If you want to run further without injury, it’s essential that you slowly add volume to your running regime. In general, it doesn’t matter who you are or how much you run; too much, too soon will likely hurt you. Think of it this way: You wouldn’t back squat to your one-rep max on your first week of lifting. The same applies to any physical activity. You want to ease the stress on your body.

Sportive people training in a urban area.
Slowly Add Volume To Your Running Regime To Prevent Injury (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Runners are particularly prone to overuse injuries, such as runner’s knee. In most cases, overuse injuries occur because runners increase mileage too quickly for their bodies. Your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments aren’t ready to withstand the impact of running yet. 

Nail Your Warm-Up and Mobility Routine

To run safely and regularly, you should have some sort of warm-up and mobility routine that works multiple areas of the body. Your routine should not only focus on getting you ready before a run but ensure that your hips, ankles, and foot muscles are firing. Your warm-up routine needs to heat up your entire body so that you can work well on the run.

The Best 5 Minute Run Warm Up for Beginners – The Run Experience

Prepping for your run does more than increase your temperature—it limbers up your joints so that you are properly mobilized. Your warm-up routine also mentally prepares you for the run ahead so that you’re in the right mindset to sweat it out. 

Don’t Forget Resistance Training Exercises

To increase running durability, make sure that you engage in resistance training at least two to three days a week. Strength training has multiple benefits for your running. Firstly, it ensures that you’re building the elastic, dynamic, and reactive strength that you need for running. Also, it increases the dominant force end of the strength spectrum. This is what’s great for tendon health and connective tissue integrity.

Home Workout Routine for Runners | No Equipment Strength Training – The Running Channel

Strength training exercises are an essential supplement for any runner. Not only can they improve your running time, but they reduce the risk of injury by strengthening your muscles and joints. If you want to run at your full potential, you need to take a broader, more comprehensive approach to running. To increase your running durability, you need to consider how your running exercises, training, and lifestyle play a role. 

Know What to Eat Before Running

Running is tiring and takes up energy. It’s essential that you eat enough and feel well-nourished before each run. When you run, your diet isn’t just crucial for energy levels but also for peak performance and durability. Proper nutrition and hydration are critical when you’re hitting the trails. 

Attractive girl in sportswear prepares a healthy breakfast before the running.
You Can Eat A Very Light Snack Thirty Minutes Beforehand (Image Source: Shutterstock)

When you first start running, it’s challenging to know what and when you should eat before a run. You don’t want to feel hungry or stuffed; you should be somewhere in the middle. Don’t eat then immediately go for a run, as this can lead to stitches. On the other hand, running on an empty stomach can make you feel tired and out of energy. 

In general, you should aim to eat a light meal somewhere between one to two-and-a-half hours before a run. Or you can eat a very light snack thirty minutes beforehand. A healthy and balanced diet for running includes key nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, and vitamins.

Experiment with different foods to see what works for your body. Here are some pre-running snack ideas to try:

  • Banana and nut butter 
  • Dates 
  • Protein bar 
  • Oatmeal and berries 

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

In today’s busy world, it can feel tough to balance training, life, and work. Unfortunately, it’s easy for sleep to fall off the radar. Aim to sleep at least eight hours a night. Try to turn off your devices and get to bed before 10 pm if you can. 

Woman sleeping in comfortable bed lying on soft pillow.
Aim To Sleep At Least Eight Hours A Night Of Sleep (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Sleep is a powerful tool for not only improving your running but also enhancing your overall health. When you log a lot of miles, you’re breaking down muscle tissue and depleting energy levels. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can make you more susceptible to illness, impair concentration, slow down reaction time, and suppress aerobic activity.   

Summer Running: Get Outside and Stay Active

If you’re ready to hit the trails this summer, the right running gear for men and women can prepare you for a great adventure. The Sport2People Running Pouch Belt is a good choice for stashing your phone and a snack while on the go. If you’re running at night, don’t forget some high-vis clothing to make sure you’re super visible.

With long, light evenings and a gentle breeze, summer is a great time to get outside and stay active. But before you hit the trails this season, you need to consider how you plan on keeping your body safe and reduce the risk of injury. It’s important to eat, sleep, and train in a way that increases your body’s durability and endurance so you can enjoy the trails as much as possible.