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Nespresso VertuoPlus Espresso Machine Review (De’Longhi)

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Machine by De'Longhi, Black

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Machine by De\’Longhi

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Rating: 5 out of 5

The Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe is totally fuss-free and produces five different coffee styles, including, espresso, americano, and lungo. It brews the coffee with a yummy crema and features just one easy-to-use button to make it happen. The machine recognizes different capsules and adjusts the pressure, temperature, and brewing time accordingly. All you have to do is put the capsule into the machine.

The water tank is removable and swivels around the machine. It can adapt to the space you have. The espresso is particularly delicious. Coffee tastes as good as a top-quality espresso machine with way less maintenance and effort.


The machine does make noise while brewing. It doesn’t come with any milk function. Apart from the noise, the only other real downside is that the bigger Vertuo capsules are sometimes harder to find and more expensive.

Bottom Line

If you like espresso, great-tasting coffee, and convenience, this machine is for you. Thanks to Nespresso's Centrifusion technology, all you have to do is press the button, and the machine does the rest for you. It’s ideal for sleepy blurry-eyed mornings. The coffee machine looks slick, it’s easy to clean, and requires little to no effort to use.

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Single-Serve Coffee Machine: How Coffee Capsules Work 

With the majority of single-serve coffee pod machines, such as the Nespresso VertuoPlus, you load water into the tank of the device. It then uses water pressure in the coffee-producing process. The water passes through the heating element. Finally, hot, high-pressure water pumps through the coffee pod, releasing flavor and providing a delicious cup of coffee.

What’s different about the Nespresso VertuoPlus is that it uses a combination of water pressure and centrifugal forces to spin the coffee capsule at 7,000 revs per minute. This is what gives your coffee that smooth and deep taste, albeit slightly foamy.

The biggest appeal of coffee pod machines is that you don’t need any special expertise to make a great cup of coffee. You don’t even have to touch any coffee beans. It’s a good solution if you’re looking for complete convenience. 

Another added benefit is the space (and mess) saving nature of pod coffee makers. Bean-to-cup machines can be expensive and bulky, while pod coffee makers take up less surface space. This makes them ideal for smaller kitchens and home offices.

Nespresso VertuoLine Pods vs. OriginalLine: What’s the Difference?

Nespresso has a range of VertuoLine coffee makers, including the VertuoPlus, VertuoPlus Deluxe, and the Vertuo Next. The Vertuo design features centrifusion technology, blending coffee with water to produce a thick crema. 

Nespresso Vertuo vs Nespresso Original – Which?

Whereas the VertuoLine uses newer technology to brew a more advanced coffee, Nespresso’s OriginalLine uses high pressure and hot water. The main difference between the two ranges is the coffee capsule extraction method. 

The VertuoLine machines also feature a barcode scanning system. This system tells the coffee maker that you have put in a capsule and then tailors the brew’s settings. Each capsule has a specific recipe of water volume, temperature, spin rate, flow rate, and water contact time to create your coffee. 

Depending on which machine you choose, you will then have to buy the matching coffee capsule range. VertuoLine capsules do tend to be more expensive than OrginalLine as they use a different extraction method. Currently, there are no third-party capsules for the VertuoLine coffee machines.  

There’s something about a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning that makes you feel calm. It’s also just as important to focus on your wellness in winter as you would in the hotter months. Although it can be harder to gather the motivation for a cold run, something as simple as drinking coffee can give you that brain-boost you need. 

The Best Pod Coffee and Espresso Machine

When looking for a coffee pod machine, no doubt Nespresso will be at the top of your list. They are known for producing some of the best coffee pod makers on the market. Other big names on the scene include Lavazza, Illy, Costa, and Kenco.

Man drinking coffee made from nespresso vertuoplus espresso machine.
Your Caffeine Fix Shouldn’t Replace A Good Night’s Sleep And A Healthy Lifestyle (Image Source: Shutterstock)

It’s essential to look at the range of capsules available to find the best coffee pod machine. If you always lack time in the morning, enjoy a variety of coffee styles, and want something sleek and high-tech, a coffee pod maker is perfect. 

A major benefit of Nespresso is that it has its own recycling service. At first glance, it looks like coffee capsules could be quite wasteful. But with Nespresso’s recycling service, you fill up the supplied bag and either post or drop off your used pods at your nearest Nespresso bar. 

Although it’s easy to become reliant on coffee for an energy boost, your caffeine fix shouldn’t replace a good night’s sleep and a healthy lifestyle. If you always feel tired even after your coffee, your body might be trying to tell you something. When you can spot the ten signs you need to detox, you can start to detox your body safely and feel the benefits. 

Final Thoughts: Nespresso VertuoPlus Espresso Machine Review

If you want to figure out how to stop drinking coffee, then a coffee pod machine may not be right for you. But if you love tasty coffee and minimal effort, then Nespresso’s VertuoPlus Deluxe is a fantastic addition to any kitchen.

Handsome man on kitchen is smiling and drinking coffee in the morning.
The VertuoPlus Deluxe Is A Compact And Convenient System That Produces Coffee At The Touch Of A Button (Image Source: Shutterstock)

As more households add coffee machines to their morning routines, some of the top brands will battle it out for the top spot. The VertuoPlus Deluxe is a compact and convenient system that produces coffee at the touch of a button. If you want to avoid the fuss and maintenance of a bean-to-cup machine, a coffee pod maker has the power to streamline your morning coffee routine. Although there is a more limited choice in capsules than the Nespresso OriginalLine machines, the VertuoPlus produces fantastic coffee.

When shopping for a coffee and espresso machine, you will always come across an overwhelming number of choices. It’s a good idea to look at the capsules available, the ability to recycle pods, and ease of use when searching for your next purchase. The Nespresso VertuoPlus is a slick, high-tech solution for your coffee obsession.