The 7 Women Empowerment Groups You Need to Know
Every year it seems like bigger and bigger problems emerge. It may look overwhelming, but part of the solution is easy to see: The world needs to empower women. Women empowerment groups are building a solid foundation to build women into leaders.
Women’s month is March, so it’s time to refocus efforts to create a more equal and more fair society. By adding gender and ethnic diversity to talent pools, society will uncover new and innovative ideas that will help find answers to the pressing problems of today.
Here are 7 groups you can call on for help when you’re in need and give support when you want to help others. Keep reading to learn how you can get involved.
- Successful Women Create a Stronger World
- Women Inspiring Women
- Support Women Empowerment Groups
- The Future is Female
- 7 Women Empowerment Groups
Successful Women Create a Stronger World

Historical discrimination against women in education and economic opportunities has left modern women at a disadvantage. This imbalance hurts everyone, so it’s important to empower the women and girls of today. Society has achieved amazing benefits by educating women. The future will be stronger with an empowered and independent population where everyone has equal access and opportunity. And it’s the right thing to do.
Many of the best advances in female empowerment have come as a result of women supporting women. This is especially evident at the beginning of life. Women’s rights begin at the birth of every little girl. Her mother will be the greatest source of inspiration and empowerment when she is the most vulnerable. Mothers helping their children is the most obvious example, but friends, acquaintances, and even strangers contribute a surprising amount. You never know how far your help can go or how many people you will reach.
The Center for Reproductive Rights focuses on changing the laws of countries around the world to protect our most basic human rights. Women have a right to determine when they get married or have children. The center has won groundbreaking cases and advanced human rights in more than 65 countries all around the world. They have successfully lobbied the UN, winning important concessions relating to reproductive health and bodily autonomy.
The women who have been left behind need help more than ever. The volunteers at Plan International are involved at the deepest levels and are pushing to advance equality for girls and improve children’s rights. Inappropriate and unhealthy medical procedures are carried out on baby girls and infants every day. Plan International works in concert with UNICEF, the UN, and dozens of rights groups to put an end to these damaging practices.
Women Inspiring Women
The best future is only attainable when everyone has an equal chance at success. In many places around the world, Women’s Leadership Potential is emerging and providing enormous benefits for both women and men. Other opportunities are going neglected. When women are supported with encouragement and access to the best resources today, they go on to help others tomorrow. It is possible for women everywhere to rise.
The number of women still suffer from inadequate access to medicine and health care is too high. Scientists and doctors at the Magee Women’s Research Institute are developing and spreading the best research in medicine and reproductive health.
Women need secure homes that are free from domestic violence for themselves and their children. Beyond this, women also need more access to education, employment, and other economic opportunities. Women Rising has been providing these services to the Hudson County community for more than 117 years. Their example serves as inspiration and a blueprint to countless other organizations and individuals.
Women empowerment organizations are helping women entrepreneurs succeed. They are providing essential services to help build stronger communities and bring stability to a chaotic and uncertain world. Women have unique experiences about how people build and maintain connections with each other. The more women participate in businesses and other organizations, the more society can benefit from women’s Emotional Intelligence in Leadership.
When one woman learns what it takes to Become Successful, she is helping more than just herself. Women helping women is one of the fastest ways to make progress because the helper knows better than anyone what it takes to succeed.
Support Women Empowerment Groups
“I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we’re going to start it tonight!” These prophetic words were spoken by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 when she founded the Girl Scouts of America. They still bring tears to my eyes every time I read them. The Girl Scouts is one of the oldest women empowerment groups in the world and has inspired millions of young women to rise up and succeed.

The best time to empower a woman is when she is young. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America have taught women self-sufficiency, competence, and self-worth from an early age.
Society is only as stable as the most vulnerable populations. Without food, everything else falls apart. Women and children make up the bulk of the recipients of food aid in the United States. Feeding America provides essential support to the most vulnerable women. Providing access to essential nutrition provides a stable platform for health, education, employment, and all of the building blocks for the empowerment of women.
The Future is Female
The future can hold a safer, cleaner world that values justice and freedom for all. Nonprofit women’s organizations like these are making a huge impact. Women’s month is an important opportunity to raise awareness and spread information. Women around the world who are fighting for freedom need and deserve support.
There are as many different kinds of women’s empowerment groups as there are different types of women. I recommend you familiarize yourself with these and other organizations dedicated to helping women. Find groups that reflect your values and can inspire you to action. Follow them on social media, and spread the stories that you find most important. Someone you know may benefit from what you learn, and when any woman is empowered, the whole world benefits.