How to Celebrate Halloween 2020 During the Pandemic

Halloween 2020 is going to be radically different from all that have come before. Typical Halloween parties won’t be possible due to social distancing recommendations, crowd limits, and other pandemic-related safeguards. Trick or treating will also be different since it requires going to other people’s homes and gathering in large crowds.

Despite that, there’s no reason that this year’s All Hallows Eve can’t be an amazing experience. In this post, we’ll explore ideas, tips, and tricks to help you have the spookiest celebration possible during the pandemic.

Will Trick or Treat Events Be Cancelled?

Worried that your kids won’t have the chance to trick or treat this year? It’s certainly going to be challenging. Take a deep breath and try to stay positive.

Business Report: Will COVID-19 ruin Halloween? – CityNews Toronto

According to the New York Times, high-profile events around the nation have been canceled, and cities and towns across the country are hard at work trying to create guidelines for outdoor Halloween events where social distancing and mask wearing can occur. That means you’ll likely see few or no haunted houses or indoor Halloween parties, but trick or treating may still happen in your area. Just be sure to follow the appropriate safety tips to safeguard your health and that of your kids.

Go Trunk or Treating for Halloween 2020

Traditional trick or treating might be out, but trunk or treating tends to be a little safer and easier for social distancing. Get the neighborhood parents together, create some fun Halloween displays for the trunks in everyone’s cars, grab your candy, and get set for some (socially distanced) fun.

Located a Drive-Through Haunted House

With COVID-19 still a concern, many haunted houses are changing their format. Drive-through haunted houses give you the thrills and chills you crave without even having to get out of the car! Check your local area to find out if one of these events is within driving distance.

Plan to Social Distance

One way to help make Halloween 2020 safer for everyone without sacrificing all your spooky fun is to learn how to social distance. That’s easier to do in outdoor situations, so if you’re going to attend any Halloween parties this year, shoot for outdoor events. This will also help with areas that have regulations limiting the number of people who can attend indoor events.

Happy family preparing for Halloween 2020, having fun.
With Social Distancing, You Can Stay At Home Or Be Vigilant And Follow The Rule (Image Source: Shutterstock)

The golden rule here is to keep six feet between you and anyone who isn’t part of your daily household. For adults, that shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish, particularly outdoors. However, if you’re taking your kids to the party, you’ll need to be vigilant about their proximity to other children.

Drive-In Halloween Movies

With theaters still closed in many states, the drive-in is making a huge comeback, and it can be part of your Halloween 2020 plans. Head to your nearest drive-in and let the family enjoy some favorite scary movies! You’ll likely find both modern hits and classics, so there should be something to fit almost any interest.

Consider a Skype-O-Ween Celebration

Don’t want to take the chance of getting out while COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc? You can have your Halloween candy and eat it, too. A Skype-O-Ween celebration lets you get people together remotely to celebrate, show off costumes, and even grab a celebratory drink together (virtually). Not a Skype fan? No problem. You can use Zoom or just about any other video conferencing app to do the same thing this Quarantine-O-Ween. Throw up some Halloween decorations around the house, break out your spookiest costume, and get ready for some haunting virtual fun.

Image of vampire man with blood and fangs in black Halloween costume looking at smartphone isolated over red wall.
You Can Use Zoom Or Just About Any Other Video Conferencing App To Do The Same Thing This Quarantine-O-Ween (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Go Big on Yard Décor for Halloween 2020

Another great idea to help celebrate Halloween in the pandemic is to go nuts on yard decorations. You’ll find plenty of awesome options out there, including some truly massive options from Home Depot like giant skeletons, horrifying life-size clowns, huge inflatables, and more. With the right yard décor, you can thrill those trick or treaters even if you’ve left your bucket of candy and bottle of hand sanitizer at the end of the driveway.

Two huge inflatable monsters with pumpkin heads stand at the entrance to the house.
You’ll Find Plenty Of Decor Ideas Like Giant Skeletons, Horrifying Life-size Clowns, Huge Inflatables, And More (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Get Creative with Handmade Halloween Costumes

Getting to the costume shop can be challenging and results in additional exposure. Why not challenge your creative capabilities this year and make homemade Halloween costumes? You don’t need a sewing machine or any experience here, either. Good Housekeeping has some fun ideas that you can make with basic supplies and a little bit of enthusiasm.

Make Healthy Halloween Snacks

Sure, there are loads of spooky candy displays already set up at area retailers. And a dose of sugar is certainly part of the Halloween fun. However, most of us are more aware than ever about the effects of unhealthy foods on our minds and bodies. Healthy Halloween snacks can offer all the delicious sweetness you’re craving (or that your kids are clamoring for) without the unhealthy ingredients you want to avoid. What sorts of healthy snacks, though? Think no-bake peanut butter bars or delectable spiced pumpkin cookies!

Cook Halloween gingerbread cookies with witch, bat
There Are Healthy Halloween Snacks Can Offer All The Delicious Sweetness You’re Craving (Image Source: Shutterstock)

Of course, Halloween is also the kick-off to the weight-gain/holiday season. The next month you’ve got Thanksgiving, and then Christmas rolls around less than a month later. October, November, and December are traditionally filled with food and parties, which can be damaging to your health and even habit-forming. Take steps now and learn how to stop binge eating before it becomes an issue.

Remember to Have Fun

Halloween 2020 might be weird compared to what we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. There are plenty of ways to celebrate this time of year while still social distancing, wearing masks, and keeping everyone safe. Just remember to have fun.