What is Purple Toothpaste and Why Should You Try It?

Brushing your teeth is an important part of your daily routine, but many people fall short of best practices. One of these reasons is yellow teeth. When you don’t like how your teeth look, taking care of them can be demoralizing. 

Purple toothpaste is an innovative product that claims to kill two birds with one stone: dental hygiene and whitening. Keep reading to find out if purple toothpaste can really give you the bright, beautiful smile that everyone’s raving about. 

Purple Toothpaste and Proper Dental Care 

Woman getting her teeth checked at the dentist

Purple toothpaste can help you get healthier teeth (Source: Pexel)


30% of Americans do not brush their teeth twice a day. The rate for flossing is even worse. If a lack of brushing made your teeth hurt right away, everyone would brush. When the consequences are somewhere in the unpredictable future, it’s easier to lose motivation. Finding positive reasons to change is also more effective than negative. That’s where the developers of purple toothpaste saw an opportunity. 

The main reason people give for using purple toothpaste is that they want whiter teeth. This creates more benefits than just whiter teeth. The more benefits you get from brushing, the easier it is to do it. Teeth whitening products can have fast results, making it easier to connect the act of brushing with the rewards.  

Purple Toothpaste and Continuing Proper Oral Care

Proper care of your mouth comes with many benefits, and the complete list is too long to explore right now. The most well-known benefit is fighting cavities, and brushing does this quite effectively. Other major benefits include the reduction or elimination of bad breath and the suppression of harmful bacteria.  

In theory, proper oral care is pretty simple, and you can take care of your entire routine in about two minutes. You only need four things: a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. 

In addition to your daily routine, you should also visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup to prevent long-term problems.

In practice, too many people don’t brush or floss often enough, and just a few minor changes can produce big improvements. There are many solutions that can make dental care easier. You can try an electric toothbrush, water pick, specialized rinses, floss-up dental picks, and many other products until you find the system that is right for you. 

Does Purple Toothpaste Work?

man looking over and smiling

Purple toothpaste can help brighten your teeth and increase your confidence (Source: Shutterstock)


There are many ways to whiten teeth, and some are better than others. A few are downright dangerous. The best way to proceed is to ensure your toothpaste has the seal of acceptance from the American Dental Association. The ADA is dedicated to protecting consumers and promoting products that provide positive results and truthful advertising.

Purple teeth whitening products sound counterintuitive, so let’s look at the theory behind the practice. Purple toothpaste can make your teeth look whiter right away because it was designed using the same theory behind purple shampoo for blonde hair. Color correcting technology takes advantage of the fact that purple is directly opposite of yellow on the color wheel. Purple balances the brassy hues in blondes, and the same color can offset the yellowing that affects teeth. Most purple-whitening toothpastes don’t have harsh abrasives or bleaches that could harm teeth. And as an added bonus, some can even help brighten certain dental restorations and synthetic teeth. 

Purple teeth whitening toothpastes don’t actually remove stains or discolorations. By adding some purple to your teeth, it covers up some of the yellow. The combination of purple and yellow gives your teeth a more neutral color, giving them a brighter, more natural appearance. This effect wears off after a few hours, and the dyes can also add some purple to your lips, tongue, and gums. 

Purple Toothpaste Reviews

There are a lot of different purple toothpastes on the market, and sorting through them can be difficult. There are some common problems, side effects, and features that can help you decide on the right one. 

Some purple teeth whitening products aren’t actually toothpaste. Some are serums and even powders you apply to your toothbrush instead. These products do not replace toothpaste, so you’ll still have to brush your teeth as normal.

If you have a lot of allergies, and especially if you have allergies to dyes, you should use caution when considering purple toothpaste. Check with your dentist and allergist before trying something that could cause a potentially harmful reaction. 

The purple dyes may cause unwanted staining of your lips and tongue, and this can vary by brand and the individual. If the first one you try doesn’t work, you may find better results with a different brand. 

People with sensitive or delicate teeth may not be able to use abrasive whitening products like baking soda or activated charcoal, so purple toothpaste may be ideal. 

Purple toothpaste can improve the appearance of your teeth. The effect is temporary and limited, though. Your teeth may seem a few shades brighter, but this will not increase over time. Your teeth will go back to their original coloration a few hours after brushing your teeth. So if you brush in the morning, you will have to brush again at noon and in the evening to maintain a consistent look. 

Wrap Up 

Man and his son in the mirror together brushing their teeth

Continue taking care of your teeth to see results for a healthier smile (Source: Shutterstock)

If you are looking for a safe, easy way to brighten your teeth immediately, you might want to give purple toothpaste a try. It’s important to be safe, so always check the ingredients before trying a new product, and make sure it’s FDA-approved.  

Proactive attention and effort are necessary to maintain a perfect smile, so you should consider trying new things. Everyone is different, so the product that is best for you may not be best for your partner or one of your friends. If you need more than a minor improvement in brightness, ask your dentist about professional teeth whitening procedures. Â