How to Get Rid of Acne Fast With “hims” and “hers”

If you battle with acne, you’re not alone. Although acne may appear on your skin, its effects go much deeper. Sometimes it feels like you have no way to conceal acne and that the world is judging your imperfections. Severe acne can impact your social, physical, and emotional wellness. Acne is more than just a skin condition. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of acne fast.

What Causes Acne?

Acne affects between forty and fifty million people in the United States. Although it’s most common among teenagers, it can affect people of all ages. 

What Causes Acne?

Dealing with acne is stressful. It can really affect the way you feel about yourself and your appearance. An analysis of forty-two studies on acne and mental health shows that there is a clear link between the two. Until recently, there was no proven link between acne and mental health issues, even though it was a well-known issue among patients and doctors. 

Acne usually shows up on the face, chest, back, shoulders, and forehead. Symptoms can differ from person to person, but generally symptoms include:

  • Small, red, tender bumps 
  • Whiteheads and blackheads
  • Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin 
  • Pus-filled lumps under the skin 

So, what causes acne?

Four main factors directly affect and cause acne

  1. Inflammation 
  2. Bacteria 
  3. Excess oil (sebum) 
  4. Hair follicles clogged by dead skin cells and oil 

On top of this, certain things may trigger acne or indirectly make it worse, including: 

  • Hormones and stress, which can influence oil production 
  • Skin care products, hair products, and makeup, which can clog pores 
  • Diet, which can cause inflammation in the body 
  • Certain medications that include corticosteroids and anabolic steroids 

Different Types of Acne

There are several different types of acne. If you can identify the type of acne you experience, it can be helpful in finding the right treatment for you. In general, there are two types of acne: inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Subtypes of acne then fall into both of these categories, including:

  • Blackheads – dead skin cells that block the pores
  • Whiteheads – clogged pores that are closed at the skin
  • Cysts – swollen, painful, and pus-filled lumps under the skin
  • Pustules – infected pores with pus 
  • Nodules – large, painful, hard lumps beneath the surface of the skin 
  • Papules – tiny red spots caused by bacteria under the skin
Types of Acne

It’s entirely possible to have multiple types of acne going on at the same time. For some people, acne is so severe that they need to visit a dermatologist for expert advice. A combination of hormones, diet, and genetics can lead to different types of breakouts. 

Often, breakouts are misdiagnosed. But once you see the difference in your skin, you can find ways to better prevent, treat, and manage your acne. Battling acne is by no means easy. It’s so important to find a treatment or take the preventative measures that work for you and your skin. 

How to Get Rid of Acne Fast With hims and hers

If you’re looking to get rid of acne fast, the hims and hers acne solution may be perfect for you. What’s different with these products is their personalized approach to acne treatment. It’s not just a one-size-fits-all plan, because they know that not all acne is the same. 

For Hers Acne Treatment Review + Results

The company gives you access to online providers who develop an acne-fighting skin routine just for you. If you find that the prescription treatment works for you, they create a unique blend of up to five clinically proven ingredients. You can get different amounts and strengths prescribed depending on your needs and type of acne.

By getting a prescription and plan specifically for your acne, you can effectively address it. You don’t need to come up with some sort of concoction by yourself. Expert medical professionals guide you through the process to come up with the best treatment. If you’re struggling with adult acne and feel like you’ve tried every cream under the sun, it’s definitely worth trying ForHim ForHers. 

What’s more, the ForHim ForHers experience is entirely online. You don’t need to leave your house for any appointments. The cream is delivered straight to your door. Adding this to your skin care routine is super simple and can form a part of your daily self care rituals

Tips for Preventing and Managing Acne

If you naturally have acne-prone skin, you have probably tried countless ways to improve your skin and prevent breakouts. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, you wake up with a surprise outbreak, and it’s easy to feel down about it. It’s important to know that acne can affect any person at any stage of their life. For many people, acne can feel utterly relentless, so much so that you need prescription acne medication to make a difference.

Man with a towel on shoulders standing front of the mirror knows how to get rid of acne fast.
Touching Your Face Can Cause The Bacteria To Continue To Spread When You Have Acne (Image Source: Shutterstock)

The following tips for clear skin may help improve the appearance of your skin and avoid future breakouts:

  • Wash your face twice a day to remove impurities. 
  • Limit sun exposure to fifteen minutes a day. 
  • Know your skin type. 
  • Use acne treatments.
  • Go makeup-free. 
  • Drink plenty of water.

As tempting as it can be to touch your face, try to avoid it. It can introduce new bacteria, which doesn’t help your skin. It can cause the bacteria to continue spreading and cause inflammation and redness. 

Coping With Acne

If you find that you can’t control your acne with over-the-counter medicines or personalized acne treatment, speak to your dermatologist, as they may be able to help you. When you improve and clear up your skin, it often results in a big boost of confidence and makes you feel much better about yourself. 

5 Signs + 5 Easy Cures to Prevent Acne and Stressed Skin

While it’s an ongoing battle to prevent, manage, and deal with outbreaks, make sure to talk about how it makes you feel. There is a clear link between mental health issues and acne that you can’t avoid. It’s essential that you seek treatment for both acne and the emotional issues that come from battling the skin condition.