Mental Health Days at Work & Employee Benefits

In our high-speed, high-stress modern world, mental and emotional well-being has emerged as an equally important counterpart to physical health. Nowhere is this more keenly felt than in our work lives.

With nearly one in five US adults reported to have experienced any mental illness, addressing mental health in the workplace has never been more urgent. Striking a healthy balance between work commitments and personal well-being can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

We’re here to explore the necessity and benefits of mental health days, empowering you with knowledge and resources to advocate for healthier work environments.

Why Are Mental Health Days at Work Important?

The recent global events, such as the enduring effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, have amplified the urgency of maintaining mental well-being, especially in our professional lives. The stresses brought about by these unprecedented circumstances have amplified pre-existing issues, creating an urgent need to prioritize mental health.

In the hustle of meeting deadlines and targets, it’s crucial to remember that employees are more than just their output. The scales need to be balanced between productivity and the well-being of employees.

A relentless focus on output can introduce stressors into the work environment, leading to burnout and a range of mental health issues. Awareness of these realities is the first step towards nurturing a more balanced and sustainable work culture.

What Are Mental Health Days?

Taking a mental health day is essentially setting aside time to focus on mental well-being and tend to our emotional needs outside of the workplace. Unlike a typical sick day or vacation time, mental health days provide crucial space for rest, self-care, and stress management.

Recognizing the importance of mental health, legal provisions like the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offer protections for employees. These acts provide for leave and reasonable accommodations, acknowledging that mental health conditions deserve the same considerations as physical health conditions.

Despite these legal protections, there’s still a need for greater understanding and normalization of mental health days in the workplace. Change starts with understanding, and the power to advocate for healthier work environments comes with knowledge.

What Are the Benefits of Mental Health Days?

Mental health days serve as an essential respite from the bustle of work, creating a space for employees to breathe, de-stress, and rejuvenate.

The benefits that arise from this practice are significant:

  • Effective stress management: Regular breaks can manage stress levels and prevent the development of severe mental health conditions.
  • Prevention of burnout: Time dedicated to mental wellness can keep burnout at bay, ensuring employees stay motivated and productive.
  • Promotion of overall well-being: The nurturing of mental health naturally contributes to improved overall well-being.
  • Improved physical health: The connection between mental and physical health means stress reduction can have positive impacts on physical wellness.

Businesses that value mental health days display a commitment to their employees’ well-being beyond work. This commitment fosters a culture that respects and values holistic health, prioritizing both worker well-being and business success.

How Can Mental Health Days Benefit Employers?

Offering mental health days isn’t a one-sided equation favoring employees. Businesses, from small to corporate giants, stand to gain when they invest in their employees’ well-being.

Here are some of the potential benefits:

  • Enhanced productivity: A rested mind is a productive mind. Offering mental health days helps mitigate lost productivity by ensuring employees can rejuvenate and return to work refreshed and ready to perform at their best. Employers can ensure their team is always at their best by offering mental health days.
  • Employee retention: A supportive work environment attracts and retains top talent.
  • Improved work quality: Well-rested and mentally fit employees tend to deliver higher quality work.
  • Reduced healthcare costs: Promoting mental health can lead to improved physical health, reducing healthcare costs.
  • Positive company culture: Supporting mental health contributes to a positive work culture, which can enhance the company’s reputation and attractiveness to potential employees.

Remember, investing in mental health is an investment in the heart of any business: its people. When employees thrive, so does the business.

Addressing Taboo around Mental Health Days

Despite strides made in the right direction, stigmatization still looms around the concept of taking mental health days and openly discussing mental illnesses.

This hesitance often stems from misconceptions about mental health and the invisibility of symptoms compared to physical ailments. But as younger generations push boundaries and catalyze conversations around these topics, workplaces can and should follow their lead.

The dialogue around mental health isn’t limited to workplace stress or burnout; it encompasses various mental disorders and illnesses, from anxiety and OCD to ADHD and beyond.

These conditions can significantly impact an individual’s work style, particularly for neurodivergent employees whose best functioning methods may not align with traditional corporate expectations.

This discrepancy isn’t a reflection of laziness or ineptitude but a call for understanding, accommodation, and validation of diverse working styles.

Addressing the Unique Mental Health Challenges in BIPOC Communities

While fostering dialogue around mental health is crucial, it’s equally important to address the distinct challenges faced by BIPOC communities.

BIPOC employees and those most impacted by systemic oppression often grapple with overlapping forms of stress and face increased workplace stressors. Research substantiates this, indicating that mental illnesses are underdiagnosed in BIPOC communities — despite the higher levels of stress they may experience.

This situation points to a critical gap in our healthcare systems and workplaces, underlining the urgent need for more targeted, equitable support mechanisms within these structures.

It’s not enough to offer generic solutions; employers must invest in targeted programs and benefits that provide direct support and foster a healthier work environment for their most impacted employees.

Such an approach can significantly enhance overall employee happiness and retention while giving companies a competitive edge in an increasingly diverse market.

Implementing Workplace Mental Health Support: Steps and Resources

Empowering the workplace with mental health support involves an active shift in corporate culture. It means creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health conditions without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Setting the Tone With Proactive Mental Health Communication

During onboarding, it’s crucial to communicate to new employees that the company supports taking mental health days off. Companies, from small businesses to corporate giants, need to create this supportive culture.

Utilizing Employee Assistance Programs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) can be useful, providing confidential mental health support for employees dealing with personal or work-related issues. However, merely having these programs in place isn’t enough.

Employers need to actively encourage their use, fostering an atmosphere where taking a mental health day for self-care is as normalized as taking a day off for a physical illness.

Promoting Flexible Work Options

Companies can also promote mental health by offering flexible work schedules and the option to work remotely, acknowledging that everyone works best under different conditions.

Workplaces that provide such accommodations tend to have lower stress levels and higher productivity rates, proving that when the well-being of employees is prioritized, everyone benefits.

Providing Employee Benefits That Support Mental Wellness 

Offering access to essential mental health resources like accommodations, robust healthcare that covers therapy and medication, and providing Paid Time Off (PTO) for mental health reasons plays a pivotal role in creating an environment where employees are empowered to thrive.

By providing PTO specifically for mental health, employers are acknowledging the importance of mental health in the same way they do physical health.

Maintaining a Holistic View of Employee Well-Being

These initiatives send a powerful message: it’s not just about keeping the gears turning; it’s about ensuring those gears are well-oiled and taken care of.

In other words, they are emphasizing that caring for employee well-being is just as important, if not more so, than the bottom line. After all, a focus on employee mental health and overall well-being is paramount.

Embracing Mental Health Days at Work

As societal conversations around mental health grow increasingly transparent and candid, our workplaces must mirror this progress.

Providing accommodations, sick leave, and mental health days off should become standard practice, not outliers. This is less about politics and more about fostering a supportive, caring environment that uplifts and respects all individuals.

Offering mental health days and enhanced mental health support at work isn’t a passive act but a conscious endeavor of advocacy. We must champion mental health days and other support measures, not merely as legal obligations but as fundamental acknowledgments of our shared human experience.

Let’s harness our collective power to drive this change as we shape the future. We can establish a workplace culture that recognizes, respects, and prioritizes mental health. By doing so, we cultivate healthier work environments and a more compassionate world.


Mental Health in the Workplace | CDC

Family and Medical Leave Act | U.S. Department of Labor

Employee Benefits That Keep Our Retention – and Productivity – High | Forbes 

Accommodations for Employees with Mental Health Conditions | U.S. Department of Labor

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Care: Evidence and Policy Implications | PMC

Should We Trust You? Strategies to Improve Access to Mental Healthcare to BIPOC Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Community Mental Health Journal

Addressing Mental Health in the Black Community | Columbia University Department of Psychiatry