How To Recharge When You’re Feeling Drained

We are always go-go-go, work to get done, people to see, things you need to get done, and things you want to do. An ever-long to-do list that looms over you.

It can be extremely draining to constantly try to stay on top of it all. Even those with great routines and attitudes can feel burnt out.

Feeling mentally, socially, or emotionally drained is completely normal, and you may feel like you can’t get back on track. But we’ve collected tips to help you learn what to look for and how to recharge to start feeling better so you can be back to your best self.

Signs That You’re Drained

It’s more than likely that your mind will feel drained before your body does. Once your mind hits exhaustion, your body soon follows suit, especially when your stress levels are at an all-time high.

You may present some or all of these emotional or behavioral signs:

  • Easily irritated or annoyed
  • Quick to become frustrated
  • Lack of interest in things you previously enjoyed
  • No motivation
  • Trouble completing work or tasks
  • Poor memory
  • Overwhelming emotions that you feel you can’t control or understand
  • Feeling depressed or anxious
  • Hopelessness or emptiness
  • Being distant from loved ones and/or isolating yourself
  • Restlessness
  • Dabbling in self-medicating vices like alcohol, drugs, or even excessive exercise and gaming
  • Confusion or sluggishness
  • Reaching for comfort foods or activities more than usual

These signs can become severe quickly; reach out for help if you find your mental health affected. It may be easier for some of us to see the changes in our physical health and realize that we are not up to par.

Physical signs you’re feeling drained:

  • Feeling tired despite sleeping adequate hours
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Altered appetite
  • Weight changes
  • Dizziness
  • Dry lips, hair, or skin
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Frequent illnesses such as a cold
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Sudden change in heart rate
  • A flare-up of some medical conditions

It’s important to note that you should always seek health care from a professional to ensure no underlying medical changes. If you’re identifying multiple physical and mental signs, it’s time to look deeper into what your body and mind are telling you.

All signs show that you’re burnt out, and it’s time to give yourself some attention.

How Can I Recharge My Body?

Self-care is a term thrown around a lot, but it’s a really important factor in keeping up with your well-being. Be sure to set a period to devote to yourself regularly.

Get Outside

Spending time outdoors is a great way to disconnect from daily stresses like phone calls, emails, chores, and other responsibilities. Try to take in the peaceful atmosphere, take deep breaths of the fresh air and release the tension from your day.

Get Moving

Instead of coming home and just scrolling social media, put your phone down and take a walk, a hike, or gentle exercise. You could also incorporate some yoga or stretching to help release tension from your body. Exercise and movement help release endorphins which are the natural feel-good hormones!

Soak in the Tub

Try filling up your bathtub for the most relaxing bath. Add in bubbles, a bath bomb, or salts. Something with ingredients to help you further relax, like these bath salts, can elevate your soak! You could even (safely) place candles around to set a calming mood. You could use an exfoliating scrub and velvety body butter to care for your skin and make you feel oh-so-smooth!

Aromatherapy is a great simple way to help you further unwind. Using essential oils like cypress, lavender, ylang-ylang, or rosemary can help de-stress and relax you. Some formulas come in diffuser form, and others are in roller balls meant for the skin.

Get Some ZZZs

Sleep! Sleep is very important to keep ourselves feeling our best. We may think we are getting enough sleep, but if the quality of your sleep isn’t good, it won’t matter how many hours you sleep; you won’t feel rested.

Having a good nighttime routine is the pillar of good sleep. Getting bright light during the day is important to get your brain back to its natural cycle. Limit screen time and refrain from using it 30 minutes to an hour before bed.

This helps your body produce melatonin properly, which is necessary for sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night; sometimes, this means closing the door on Fluffy or Fido (or even your partner!) so you can have a restful sleep.

Balance Your Diet

Another way to help you recharge your body is by eating for nutrition. Balanced meals with protein, carbs, and healthy fats allow your body to get all the necessary building blocks. Remember to include vegetables, whole grains, and quality proteins. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and limit caffeine and alcohol.

How Can I Recharge My Mind?

Your mind can be a busy place; thoughts, emotions, memories, hopes, and goals. There is a lot that is going on all at once. But don’t worry! There are ways to combat all that chaos.

Write It All Down

One of the best ways is journaling. By doing a “brain dump,” you can let out all the things bouncing around in your head. Write down all your worries, thoughts, feelings, and things that have been bothering you that you don’t want to talk about. Getting it out and down on paper is a great way to relieve the pressure weighing you down.

Don’t forget to jot down all the things you have done rather than haven’t. The accomplishments you’ve done at work or in your personal life, things you value and are proud of. Focusing on the positives rather than the negatives.

Pop In Those Headphones

Listening to podcasts or music without interruptions from social media can give your mind a break. Getting lost in a good audiobook can give you an alternate reality to focus on. When listening to music, dancing or singing along can offer an extra recharge!

Meditate About It

Meditation can be a great tool to help recharge your mind! When you connect with yourself and allow your thoughts and feeling to pass by, it can help lower your stress. There are a bunch of different forms of meditation to look into and try.

Practice Your Hobbies

Additional ways to recharge include doing hobbies or things you love. This could be reading, painting, writing, or even other crafts. When you do things you enjoy, it helps boost your mood and decrease stress.

Don’t Go It Alone

Reaching out to family or friends is another way to help you recharge. If you are someone who keeps everything bottled up, opening up about your feelings can be an immediate release of stress. You can also reach out to a therapist or medical professional if you are uncomfortable opening up to people who are close to you.

How Can I Prevent Burnout? 

Now that you know how to recharge, you’re probably wondering, “What can I do to prevent this from happening again?” Be aware that you may become drained despite having a good routine. Life happens, and you never know how things may go.

If you put the expectation that you will never allow yourself to be drained again, if it does happen, you may end up beating yourself up. Just remember to try your best and do what works best for you while keeping in mind that things may change — and that’s okay!

Try a Gratitude Journal

Having a gratitude journal is also a great way to help your drained mind. A gratitude journal is where you write down what you are thankful for; this can be even the smallest thing, like a good coffee that morning, the wellness of your pet, or the nice weather.

By focusing on the good things, you can help shift your mindset not to be drawn into the negative thoughts and emotions as much.

Set Some Boundaries

Set boundaries with subjects that cause a lot of stress. Maybe you take your work home with you, so start by setting the boundary that at 5:30, work stays at work, and home is for you and relaxation.

Advocate for yourself! If you need a raise, a change in hours, or a break, take the plunge and discuss this with your boss or manager. They could help come up with a compromise that works for everybody. Potentially, if you are unhappy in your job and not just overwhelmed, it may be time to look into a change of pace.

Cut Out the Toxic

It’s time for some self-evaluation. Cutting out toxic things can include people, habits, or things. Most of us at one point had someone who negatively affected our lives; no matter how many times you tried to make boundaries or talk to them, it never changed.

Though it is extremely difficult, it may be time to cut off or severely limit exposure to this person. In the same vein, habits or things that you cannot have a healthy relationship with may need to be cut out.

There are a lot of everyday habits that can negatively affect your mental health. Click here to read more in-depth about what habits can drain the life out of you. Extreme habits such as excessive alcohol or gambling can severely affect your well-being.

There comes a point where you use these habits as a crutch instead of solving the root issue. In the long run, these will cause more stress than not if they are not done healthily.

Recharged and Refreshed 

Feeling drained is a common thing for everyone; it can be hard to know where to start. Staying consistent with routines that help recharge you is a great way to recharge and prevent feeling drained again in the future.

Self-care, eating healthy, exercising, and having time alone to decompress are all integral to keeping you happy and healthy.


Mental Exhaustion | BetterUp

8 Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted | IDS Med

Recharge Your Personal Battery | Healthline

How to Recharge | Stanford EDU

How To Recharge Your Mind and Body | Painted Brain