Why Is Communication So Important When You’re Social Distancing?

Why is communication important now more than ever? As a global community, we’re collectively experiencing something enormous and overwhelming for the first time. The COVID-19 pandemic has had us participating in aggressive social distancing, and it’s beginning to take its toll. If you’ve been feeling stressed, anxious, and lonely in recent weeks, you’re far from alone. It’s no easy thing to (temporarily) swear off seeing your family, friends, and maybe even your partner. And if you’re working from home for the first time, finding that work-life balance is more of a challenge than ever. Are you also trying to keep up with your work while homeschooling your kids? That’s even more on your plate. So what else can you possibly fit into your (completely upended) schedule right now?

Why is Communication Important Now More Than Ever?

Let’s check out why it matters to be in touch with your loved ones during this unprecedented and seemingly endless period. First, if there’s someone you’re especially worried about, like an elderly relative, regular check-ins can help put your mind at ease. Some days, you may only have time to exchange a quick text or two, and that’s okay. You’ll sleep better at night knowing that your loved one is safe and well. These days, that’s no small thing.

Communication at the time of Covid-19 – UniBocconi

During social distancing, the benefits of regular communication with friends and family are enormous. These are strange times, and you’ve probably been feeling some uncertainty and sadness in the last few weeks. Fortunately, chatting with your favorite people can help manage stress levels and beat boredom—both yours and theirs. It will also keep everyone involved from feeling quite so isolated and depressed. Taking good care of your mental health during the pandemic is a must, and you can do it together. You might even find that you get to know the people you love on a deeper level than ever before.

It’s also important to stay in touch on a practical level. Perhaps you know someone who is immunocompromised and can’t risk a trip to the supermarket, but you can. Or maybe you need a few masks for essential trips out and know someone with great sewing skills. These days, checking in with loved ones means you can provide help to one another without making close contact. Dropping groceries on someone’s doorstep to keep them out of the store can mean the world right now.

Why is communication important? For these reasons and so many more, the vital role of communication during the quarantine cannot be overstated. Now, let’s figure out a few fun and effective ways to stay in touch.

Virtual Communication During Social Distancing

The good news is that, in 2020, there are tons of great ways to connect without visiting in person. You’re likely already familiar with the most popular social media apps, like Facebook and Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Snapchat. In addition to the usual platforms, you might try something new during the quarantine. Whether you’re having a virtual happy hour or spending time with family on Father’s Day, the possibilities for communication are pretty endless, but here are a few suggestions for virtual hookups and entertainment:

A man doing video call with friends and family showing why is communication important.
There Are Tons Of Great Ways To Connect Without Visiting In Person (Image Source: Shutterstock)
  • Use a multi-user video chat platform, like Skype or Group FaceTime, for a virtual family reunion or a happy hour for your friends. Other ideas for video chat: a cooking/recipe club, karaoke night, dance party, board game night.
  • Host a Netflix Party, which lets you watch movies and TV shows together with a group chat feature. (“Tiger King,” anyone?) If you’re physically separated from your partner right now, you can use this for a social-distance date night!
  • Start a group quarantine photo album, where many users can add photos of what they’re doing while social distancing. If you haven’t started a brand-new vegetable garden or taken up knitting, that’s okay. You can show off the funky pajama pants you’re wearing today (even if it’s all day).

More Ideas For Self-Care (That You Can Share!)

Why is communication important? Because staying connected to the most important people in your life is part of taking good care of yourself! While you’re chatting, you might exchange some other ideas for staying balanced and relaxed these days. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Find a way to work exercise into your day. Outdoor fitness activities, like power-walking and running, are fine during social distancing, as long as you follow health guidelines. You can also check out some of the great at-home workouts that you can stream to a TV or tablet. Many of them are offering free 10-day or two-week trials right now. Here’s your chance to dive into yoga, barre, HIIT, or hip-hop cardio—right in your living room or basement.
  • Take advantage of the numerous benefits of mindfulness-based stress reduction. There has never been a better or more appropriate time to learn how to meditate for relaxation. Do you need some help getting started? Let a handy mindfulness app guide you through the process one step at a time. It’s probably one of the best things you can do for your mental health during the period of quarantine.
  • Spend some time doing something nice for yourself. Carve out 45 minutes before bed to take a relaxing shower and read a good book. Or make a cappuccino every morning when you’re starting your day. Yes, it can feel a bit self-indulgent to take time for yourself when you have so much on your plate. Just remember that you won’t fulfill your obligations to the best of your ability if you don’t take the time to recharge.

Take it One Day at a Time

Remember that it’s okay if you aren’t feeling 100% these days. After all, none of us are! On a societal level, this truly is unlike anything we’ve ever dealt with before. So it’s safe to say that most people aren’t experts at coping with weeks of isolation. Communication is important, even when social distancing. Check on the people you love and be creative about how you stay connected.

So if you’ve been wondering, “Why is communication important?” try a few of these ideas to see how increasing quarantine communication can help you and everyone you love. Hang in there, stay in touch, and just do your best. Hopefully, brighter and healthier days are coming very soon.